Saturday 24 March 2012

Rub a dub, dub.

I'm loving those face markings. Seriously stylish in a duckish kinda way.

Mystery Bird

I've looked through all my bird books and I can't identify these beauties. Pretty common, but duck or goose I don't know. I'd probably fail as a twitcher, but they were fun to snap.

Duck! Here they come!

Some pretty water reflection colour going in in this snap. And pretty feather action of course.

Swan Song

It is a myth that swans sing mournfully just before they die – how poetic and beautiful. But no, they don't.  They sure are beautiful in life though, singing or not.  

Monday 19 March 2012

Out on a limb

The New Holland Honeyeater – very sweet indeed!

Busy Bird

The nectar collector.


A Yellow Face Honeyeater looking for sweet stuff.


"How does one become a butterfly?" she asked pensively. "You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar."
Trina Paulus

Pretty Pretty

Looks fake doesn't it? A common but pretty wee butterfly.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Handsome Honey Boy

I snapped this young Eastern Spinebill, while he was enjoying a spot of preening in the sun. Handsomeness wrapped in a winged feather cloak.


Bird watching human.

Honey Hunting

A pretty little bird on the honey trail.

Friday 20 January 2012

Proud-chested Beauty!

  The Common Bronzewing prefers to walk rather than fly. This one did fly up onto our roof for a bit of surveillance.  She's got keen eyes. She gave me a good once-over that's for sure. Luckily, she decided I was friend and not foe.

A Wee Bit Seedy

Our summer visitor. Plump, slow and friendly. They were considered pretty good eating back in the day. This one has been doing all the eating. She's been on a seed -fest.

Love this Dove

The Common Bronzewing dove. 'Common?'  I don't think so.  She's gorgeous-ness on two legs!